Willkommen zur RIP – Software “Ghost Edition”

Step 1

Um den Download-Link per E-Mail zu erhalten, gib bitte deine E-Mail-Adresse in das folgende Feld ein. Du erhältst dann innerhalb weniger Minuten automatisch eine passende E-Mail, in der du die Testversion herunterladen kannst.

Step 2

As soon as you have installed the RIP software on your Windows PC/laptop, a window will appear.

Then click on “Validate Software”

A new window will open.

Now copy your Software Activation Code that you received from us by e-mail and have the System ID ready.

You will be taken to a validation page.

Please enter the Software Activation Code and the System ID in the fields provided.

Then click on “Get Validation Code””

Copy the red validation code and paste it into the empty field in your software.

Then click on “Validate”

Your RIP software is now ready!

If you have a 1500 or 5000 page license, you don’t need to do anything else from now on.

If you have purchased a Lifetime version, please perform the following step:

To be able to use your software unlimited with the purchased lifetime license, please click on Settings in the software.

Then click on “Activate Unlimited Prints” at the bottom right

Now copy your Unlimited Print Unlock Code into the empty field.

You have received this together with the Software Activation Code by e-mail.

Then click on “OK”

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Ghost Newsletter

Unser Newsletter enthält alles Wissenswerte über den Druck mit Weißtoner, Sublimationstoner, Neon-Toner und Tonerübertragung, sowie Neuigkeiten und Angebote. Die Abmeldung ist jederzeit möglich.

Keine Datenübertragung an Dritte. Du kannst dich jederzeit abmelden. Unsere Datenschutzrichtlinien findest du hier.

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